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Monday, May 12, 2014

How to Have independent flash audio mp3 player for your site or blogger?

There are people out there who want to add free independent flash audio player for their site which is easy to add and has attractive looks. I will show you how to get one of them for your site or blogger.

DewPlayer is the flash audio player that you can have for your site or blogger for free with different styles and in build options such as below.

How to have one for your self? follow the simple steps

Step: 1 Download the whole Dewplayer all in one

Step: 2 Unzip the folder and copy .swf player type you want to use in your site directory.

[Bloggers Only]

(Here for bloggers they don't have site directory, but don't worry you can always use free online drive such as dropbox to copy your files and have it work directly from your online drive)

Don't forget to use the download link of the file from your dropbox instead of public share link.
ex: Public link will appear like 

download link which will appear like

and all you need is that yellow part of the download link for your use.

Step: 3 Copy below HTML code and paste it to your desired place in blogger or your site.

<Object type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" data = " dewplayer.swf "width =" 200 "height =" 20 "id =" dewplayer "name =" dewplayer "> 
<param name = "movie" value = " dewplayer.swf "/> 
<param name = "flashvars" value = "mp3 = test.mp3 "/> 
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> 
</ object>

"Where you can change the last third line according to the features you want in 
your player as below"

<param name = "flashvars" value = "mp3 = test.mp3 & autostart = 1 & autoreplay = 1 & showtime = 1 & randomplay = 1 "/> 

Step: 4 Replace the both dewplayer.swf with your url link that you acquired in step 3
Step: 5 Replace test.mp3 with the url of your .mp3 file which can be from internet or from your site directory. to add .mp3 files to your playlist for dewplayer-playlist player you can as many urls you want by adding | between two urls.

ex: test.mp3 | test.mp3

You're done with the work and you will have desired mp3 player in your blog or site as below.

Feel free to ask questions and comment, I will be glad to help.
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